Monday, 20 July 2015

non violence and our society

                       On the blessful day of 15 august 1947 when the whole of india was celebrating the arrival of long wished independence ,mk Gandhi who was referred to as father of nation by subhas Chandra bose and respected as leader of masses was absent from those historic celebrations.he was there in the streets of noakhali of Bengal dampening the flares of communal violence.but its now quite imperative to see whether the message of non violence given to world by this great leader through his deeds has really worked wonders or has it been just ignored for the sake of greed and power?
                                                                                                                   Non violence should  not be taken as absence of violence only.its the faith in oneself that he or she can bear up the violence impounded by oppressors and even after the worst oppression will raise no hand on the oppressor.whole article of non violence lies on the very basis that ‘hate the sin love the sinner’.mk Gandhi had given this message during the Indian struggle of independence when the all known methods whether be of petitions or of individual heroic actions had failed to dislodge the colonialists.

                                                                                                                     The messae he had given,have become today more important than ever.just a cursory look at world affairs can put things in true perspective.whether be it Iraq or Syria or Ukraine or hongkong ,violence is not only practical but its combined with state policy and religious teachings.result is a disastrous outcome and its wrongness gets testified when world community gets divided while taking actions on such beastly acts of oppression.
                                           It needs to be seen that how non violence as voiced by mk Gandhi can be helpful in various facets of human life and what are the problems coming in the way of pursuance of this noble idea along with what can be done for making this article of faith a reality for not only who have faith in it but those who really  need it?
                                                         Concept of non violence gets its synergy in political sphere when that particular political entity absorbs the  notions of responsible democracy,good governance and freedom of expression.its because such a political system in itself becomes the grievance redressal machinery and governance taking into account the needs of even the last one in the row results is creation of atmosphere of confidence among the minds of minorities.contemporary world shows it in two opposite strands for example Iraq’’s political system have not been careful of the aspirations and needs of sunnni tribesmen resulting in islamic state exploiting those emotions and on the other hand recently held successful Tunisian elections where a secular party had won over the islamist ennahada party along with the acceptance of people’s verdict accepted with celebrations on both sides points to the fact that a new dawn of democracy sets in.hongkong umbrella movement,silent man protests of turkey and arab spring movements are further examples of this synergy.
                                                                                                      This synergy results in pushing towards the path of equality when it starts to express itself in social sphere.when a race,religion,creed or a group starts to show or portrait itself as supreme over other group ,then violence is bound to arise provided leaders like mk Gandhi are not there to guide the path of disgruntled masses.nothing can be more apt representation of such guidance than the abolition of untouchability via article 17 in Indian constitution.similar is the experience of usa where a person from lon oppressed black race have become president and supreme commander of its armed forces.but there are still countless cases of inequality where the goal of non vilencee can be pursued with utmost zeal.inequality of today’s  times is coming in the form of digital divide with clear demarcation in form of internat haves and have nots.the condition of women is another such sphere of inequality whose social factors has been voiced in recently started ‘he for she ‘campaign of united nations.
                                                                       Political democracy and social equality as two cornerstones of the way of non violence further leads to achievement of objective of economic equality and most importantly employment to the working age the Indian phiolosphy mentions that artha or economic well being is required for moksha or liberation,so is the bitter truth that if the econimc equality is not achieved then social equality and political democracy becomes a distant dream with violence becomes a way out for those who lag of today,in economic terms,is like some islands of prosperity amidst the ocean of poverty.for example the case of asia where nearly 50000 people owns about 30% income of continent or the case of usa where 10% of people holds 50% of wealth of the country.growth with focus on service sector along with education without any focus on skilling have resulted in jobless and joyless growth.
                                                                                            The situation becomes quite hopeful and optimistic when non violence starts expressing itself in the foreign affairs.nation states of today have become much more mature in reconition of the fact that war don’t determine who is right but who is left.recent Scotland referendum as well as indo china resolution to solev border disputes through negotiations are a clear epitome of this principle but situation is not as rosy as it of violence has changed from outright wars between countries to the state sponsored terrorism as well as cyber warfare and espionage.the situation becomes more critical by the fact that though it was nationalism which resulted in world wars ,its regionalism which is fuelling today’s low intensity peace time conflicts deafeating the very purpose of peaceful coexistence which is a foundation for non violence.
                                                                                                                                        Mk gandhiji had not seen this coexistence and non violence as only outrer realities but also as an experience of innerseelf.this means the application of concept of non violence on the  psychological aspects of mankind.famou historian bipan Chandra had beautifully explained its meaning when he said that the greatness of gandhiji didn’t lie in the fact that he himself was hero of independce struggle but he had the ability to elevate the men and women around him to the stage of heroship.this means absorbing the idea of non violence and making it the part and parcel of life so much so that it got expressed in the form of strongness of one’s character and thoughts.nelson Mandela fondly known as madibo was one such person who had shown that gandhiann principle of non violence is as much a reality today as it was when voiced out by mk Gandhi himself.
                                                                       Though there are lots of facets of human life where mk gandhi’s article of faith that is non violence have potential to bring about a major change,yet there are many problems and obstacles coming in the way of achievement of aims and objectives of non violence.
                                                                                              Greed of power whether it be political or economical is one such obstacle which hinders the idea of non violence to gain roots in the minds of people at large.our history have been full of such incidents.whether it be the rise of fascism or Nazism in Europe or polpot revolution in combodia or the rise of military dictatorship in Pakistan ,Myanmar,Egypt ,its always the want of political and economic power that had propelled regimes to organize genocides of the opposing groups.some multinational companies in connivance with states have also been accused of waging violence to gain strong economic foothold and many African nations r victim of this neo colonialism.
                    Solution of this problem lies in democracy,effective institution building as well as presence of checks and balances in the political system of governance.along with it,the careful use of responsibility to protect principle by international community along with strong institution at international level can be an effective stop to this cycle of violence started because of aspirations of some individuals or groups.succeful Indian democracy experiment can serve as a lighthouse for world in this respect.
                                                                      Lack of an effective leadership is also a big obstacle towards the path of non means that leadership is either corrupt or inefficient or south is suffering from this problem more than ever.these are historical colonies who have not gained in providing a good quality of life to their citizens after independence.its not astonishing that most of global poor are living in the continents of south America ,Africa and there are three types of capital and those are social capital,economic capital and cultural south is rich in all these capitalsand that was a source of attraction for colonialists but an ineffective leadership have resulted in non effective use of these capitals.for example the continent of Africa have 50% of diamond reserves of world and 75% of platinum yet it’s the poorest continent of world.
                                                                                                                            Single most effective solution to problem of leadership comes from the agency of educationwhich should be focused not only on simple literacy but on universal primary will result in peope questioning the very existence of their conditions.minimisation of greed along with education will itself results in contentment of people at large and so non violence will be the golden aim of such communities because that will make the way open for them to the path of improving their quality of life.
                                                                                                Another obstacle towards the aim of mk gandhi’s idea of non violence comes from he ineffective use of sciene and technology for masses.result is that though humankind had made strides in science and technology yet the costly technology is out of reach of common masses which resulted in vicious cycle of exploitation for example the case for industrial revolution in Europe marked with significant technology improvements like cotton gin,steam engines etc.yet the cities get populated with slums on one hand and palaces on the other.such blatant inequalities are bound to emerge as violent protests and so it happened.russian revolution was one such and technology relates with non violence via simpl concept of increase productivity and its upto effective leadership that how to divide the increased pie of the growth cake?
                                                                                             Its answer lies in the focus towards exploration of frugal technology which means use of science and technology for day to day activities in cost effective manner.for example the case of kisan call centres and sms schemes in india.economy of scale has resulted in increase mobile penetration and govt tapped up this opportunity by setting up kisan call centres from where farmers can get knowledge of weather conditions ,prices in the market etc.these ideas bring welfare of the common people and so violence as a mean for achieving ends get negated.
                                                                    Another obstacle in the path of mk gandhi’s notable idea of non violence comes from the ignorance of emerging challenges to mankind.climate change is one such challenge.gandhiji had forewarned about this condition when he said –“earth has enough for everybody’s need but not for greed.”but in pursuance of development ,we have ignored this commandent.conditions have worsened to such an extent that water wars like standoff bw Egypt and sudan over nile river or food conflicts like in Somalia are happening now and then.artcic has been melting from a long time and its ummer ice will be completely gone by 2040 and tresult is flooding in low lands and so there will be grievances which are bound to emerge as violent protests.
                                                                                             Its solution lies in the concept of sustainable development which was accepted by world community but never pursued by all.such type of development is not a theoretical concept but a treatise of practices followed all around the Israel have set up a future commission which looks at the effect of their today’s policies on future communities or the water management practice by pune municipality who have made it compulsory that new buildings in the area has to structure pipes in such a way that used water from activities of washing utensils or bathing diverted to washrooms and so saving upto 40% of water effect such  kind of development makes the ground fertile for the achievement of non violence in practice because people will be getting their basic necessities even in coming times.
                                              Having said that ,it can be observed that principle of non violence has wide applications in political sphere by way of democracy,in social and economic sphere by way of equality,in international sphere by means of peace and in psychological sphere by means of contentment.values of sustainable development ,good governance,effective leadership ,equitable growth will catalyse the path towards non violence.
                            Gandhian concept of non violence is not without its practical application because gandhian belief itself lies in implementation of ideas and not only formulation of age old vision and so mk Gandhi had himself given the method of its implementation and have shown the phases of struggles one has to endure in its implementation-“first they ignore you.then they laugh at you.then they fight you and then you win.”
                          Its hopeful that non violence as the last article of faith and hope for the creed of humanity will bring the welfare of all whose index will be a little girl coming out o a school in the hitherto undeveloped area with a smile on her face and mind sharper than yesterday.


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