Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Rise of asia and decline of america

“international institutions must ascribe to the ground realities of today”
              These are the words said by Indian prime minister at recently held meeting of world leaders from brazil Russia china india and south Africa in fontaleza town of brazil.ground realities as voiced out in the meeting of countries from asia Eurasia and latin America ,are though changing in every respect but still needs to be seen that whether there is strategic shift in terms of rise of third world,most of which resides in asia and fall of first world ,whose main symbol is usa?
                                                                                                                                 Asian continent is the largest continent of world with having in its ambit some major powers like china india and japan.these nations are becoming powerhouse of the world of today.while on the American side,its predominantly the united states along with Canada as major ally,which is leading the guard as a single superpower evers since the fall of ussr.rise of asia will itself means the growing might of major powers of asia in world affairs whether be it the military,economic or cultural field while fall of Americas will mean the declining prestige of usa who got its position graciously after the second world war which brought the emergence of new world order.
                                    The issue of rise of asia and fall of Americas come on table because of many recent events like india’s  launching of mars orbiter mission and testing of nirbhay cruise missile,all this entailing the technologies till now held by only western nations headed by usa or the economic control by way of trade as done by china earning huge foreign reserves or the failure faced by usa in middle east symbolized by the rise of dreadful isis.not only this,the latest human development report points out that for the first time ,combined national income of third world crossed that of first all this pointing to a major change in the way the world affairs will be conducted now on ? certainly yes
                                                                                                                                           But for that it needs to be seen that in which areas there is increasing leverage of asian powers and in which fields ,they are still lagging should also be seen that what can be done to make the world a prosperous valley of humanity with the rise of neglected and upliftment of downtrodden as a goal in end and rather than mere as a support for achieving the end as of now.
                                                                                             First and foremost of all is the emergence of political unity and stability in asian nations.nothing can be an apt example of this than india.its post independence history is marked with integration of 562 scattered princely states with Indian union due to great efforts of sardar vallabhbhai patel,who is also called as iron man or Bismarck of india.not only this,india became a place where the people who were always seen to be constituting separate nations in the eyes of westerners,were moulded as a single state.while on the other hand,in united states it’s the emergence of political complacency in the system which in today’s time is marked by lameduck presidency at the end time of maximum possible two presidential terms in their governance system.the history tells us that stability is a chariot wheel in the progressive path of a country like seen by a rapid industrial progress in united kingdom in 18 th century.if it holds true in the future ,then certainly communist china and democratic india will lead the world in coming times compared to  politically complacent usa.
                            Another field is the economic one where the story of asian rise and American or europpean fall is being written.whether be it the business process outrsourcing industry or the knowledge process outsourcing or the supply of cheap but highly educated workforce ,it’s the india that leads the world.when it comes to consumer goods market,it’s the china who by virtue of its large industrial intstallations and cheap labour ,is playing dominant role in world market and when it comes to field of higher or cutting edge technology,it’s the japan which shows the way to the world.this had become possible due to huge advantage of demographic dividend as nearly 40-45%population in asia is in working age group.
                                    While on the other hand,usa is suffering from the setbacks of loose monetary policy followed by it till now.result of it was that the superpower first suffered from bursting of home bubble and later by economic depression marked by crash of lehmann brothers bank.over and above it,the contagion effect of euro crisis and increasing costs of war in middle east,made the usa one of the largest debtorsin world market.irony is that its largest creditor is china,who boasts of its huge foreign reserves ,and is an asian nationalistic power.
                                                                  Another arena in which there is significant shift in favour of asia is the international negotiations and agreements.third world led by india forced the inclusion of principle principle of common but differentiated responsibilities in Kyoto summit of 1997.copenhagen summit of 2009 marked the rise of BASIC nations which include brazil south Africa india and china.recent standoff over the issue of inclusion of hydrofluorocarbons as ozone depleting substances or green house gas is also a noteworthy step articulating the rising weight of asian nations.not only this,a major international body that is imf,have started for major changes in its governance structure with more voting rights to developing world.
                                  On the other hand,united states jealousness of protecting their private companies is now seen as the one obstructing most of  the issue of  today to be solved.for example recently due to efforst due to efforts of world intellectual property organization ,marakesh treaty signed by which there will be production of even copyright material in the formats which are accessible to visually handicapped people like Braille script.this treaty till now,not ratified by usa though most of the world’s major publishing houses are in usa..there are othr areas where problem are cropping up like usa refusal to have legally binding emission cuts or its overt attacks on intellectual property right affairs of other countries like india.all these issues make the image of America look like as an irresponsible power.
                                                                                         Fourthly it’s the market demand which is putting a fuel towards the rise of asia.multinational and transnational companies are heading towards Indian or Chinese markets from that of usa,not becaue of the presence of large population in these countriesbut because of the presence of huge middle class who is both educated as well as have grown in the age of consumerism .demographic advantage of these countries have acted as a catalyst,aiding the setting up of factories in these countries by various mnc.there are ample examples of such companies like apple,nokia or Microsoft .
                                         Other areas where there is asian rise along with declining prestige of America are internet demand and use ,geographical advantage of asia as at crossroads of major shipping lanes ,soft power capabilities because of rich cultural heritage etc.
                                                                                                   But though there are a lot of areas where  asia ismarking its resurgence,there are also a lot more other areas where still America is in clear lead and is having strategic advantage over any other country of world.
                                                                                             First such area is technology and particularly ,cutting edge one.whether be it the continental ballistic missiles or tomahawk missiles or first super computer or reaching upto moon and mars ,it’s the clear  cut lead of usa which can be appreciated.’science’ magazine observed that though the patents coming from usa haave ddecreased vis a vis to other countries but still it’s the largest one in number.india and other asian powers have always demanded for sharing of technology from usa but still its hesitation on part of America to share it without subsequent benfits in return.
                              Second area where the usa clearly leads the world even now is the military capabilities.defence expenditure of usa is the largest in world and even more than that of combination of 16 major powers around the important advantage with usa is that of its dynamic relationship with the current needs.for example recently it had set up a command named cybercom to fight in cyber warfare.asian nations not only lag behind in this field sorely  but are themselves,a major dependent on defence partnership with usa like japan is a country that depends on usa for protection at times of any war or aggression.
                                                     Third is the area of brain drain which makes usa a powerhouse of intelligence from not only its own soil but from different parts of world.irony is that most of this brain drain comes from the major powers of asia that is india and chin.usa not attracts the unskilled and semiskilled labour class from third world but the professional well educated people from these areas.silicon valley in usa ,which is power center of its major computer industries ,is a symbol of this brain drain.
                  Fourth issue which negates the rise of asia and fall of Americas is the presence of disputes between asian nations.whether be it the indo china border dispute lading upto 1962 war between both or japan china islands dispute or Chinese interfence in affairs of south east asian nations or the misunderstandings in the minds of south asian nations about the big brotherly attitude of india,it’s the asia as a whole in the world context which is coughing up a large price on such disputes.while usa ‘s geographical avantage of to be away from regions of conflict makes it a peaceful country..nno war or battle with any foreign power was fought on usa soil after its independence.
                                                                                                           Fifth is the rise of inequalities which will act as a braker in the rise of asia on account of its multireligious ,multiethnic identity.recent un economic and social council report articulate these inequalities when it points out that only nearly 50000 people of asia as a whole own 40% of total asian 60% is shared by left billions of should be kept in mind the warning of Socrates that-“poverty is the mother of revolution and crime”.but if this economic inequality continues then it will breed social tensions and conflicts.whether be it the rakhine disputes of Myanmar or budhist muslim clashes in srilanka or xinjiang disturbance in china,these all points to this single fact that inequality is dangerous for asia.
                                                                                            Yet there is hope that one day asia will rise wlong with rise of whole of America and not just usa .but for that there needed to be some solutions so as to solve out the existing problems and device a way to tackle the coming ones.
                                                                                    First suggestion is to move towards the setting up of such international bodies that are reflective of needs and aspirations of people at large and not some influencive world powers.first step in that direction can be taken by reforms is united nations security council by giving permanent member status to india .second step is to make the concept of ‘one country one vote’ applicable to all institutions on the lines of recently set brics bank.this will help the world in not to ignore the voice of minority whether that minority be in economic sphere or in political should be kept in mind that barometer of progress of world is development of its minorities.
                                                                                                              Second suggestion is the cooperation among asian nations which is now needed more than ever.the view of asian leaders come out very clearly in this respect when Chinese president in 2003 visit to india made a famous statement-“b of business matters much more than b of border”.cooperation between nations if happen to be at real politik level ,then the results will be tremendously positive.for example combination of Chinese hardware computer industry with Indian software computer technology can make asia a global power in this area.such avenues in cooperation need to be explored as early as possible.
                                                                                                                                            Third suggestion is the people to people contact among nations and this should also include the movement of labour from one country to other words,globalization should be in every respect and not only fo benefit of some other words of diplomacy,it’s the track 2 diplomacy which is now needed more than ever to look at the rise of all rather any continent.
                                                                         Having said that,though there are certain areas where asia is putting itself strongly like political unity and stability,economic development is by way of a large middle class market or huge demographic dividend,cooperation in international affairs like many agreements and negotiations yet in many fields like military power or technology or social cohesiveness or the centre of attraction of intelligence ,it’s the usa which is leading the guard.there can be push towards former by setting up of strong international bodies with equality at its core and by forging cooperation among asian nations along with anhaancing people to people contact in world affairs.
                                                                                          Rise of asia and fall of America is though a reality ,but its importance will be truly recognized only when it will have in its ambit the wellbeing of all including the neglected ones till now.making available an opportunity to improve upon is the only thing that matters in the progress of this world as a whole.this single concept was beautifully articulated by former president of india shri apj kalaam when he said that-
 “look at the sky.the hole universe is friendly to us and aspire to give the best to those who dream and work.”
      The world though now needs the rise of asia but not the fall of America .its hopefulthat a time will come when there will be iimplementation of ground realities in the conduct of world affairs nd that ground reality if implemented,will lead to a progressive and peaceful world whose index will be a little girl coming out of a school of an underdeveloped hinterland with a smile on her face and mind sharper than yesterday.

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